Dental Blog

A Charlotte Cosmetic Dentist: Building Beautiful Smiles

Written by William Linger DDS Dental Team | 4/10/18 7:29 PM


Fixing things in your teeth that make you look better can also improve your health. Cosmetic dentists focus on the appearance of your teeth. When you see cosmetic dentistry advertised, they always refer to the smile. The cosmetic dentist improves your smile. 

If your teeth are whiter, all straight and nicely shaped, your smile will improve. The improved smile will have an effect on how others see you. Your face will look more like the model of the classic human face. This change can improve your social life. If the shape of your mouth and the look of your smile was once perfect and it has somehow depreciated. The dentist can reclaim the perfect smile.

Cosmetic dentistry in Charlotte is often associated with restorative dentistry. There is actually some overlap between the fields. The main difference between the two is their focus and the level of expertise the dentist must have.

The cosmetic dentist goes beyond the restorative procedures to go improve the appearance of your teeth and gums, a step beyond functional restoration.  Cosmetic dentistry not only restores the teeth to a functional level but will seek to match the patient's ideal of what his or her teeth should look like.

What Are Teeth Made Of?

Teeth are the organ of the body that is most made of minerals. Tooth enamel is 96 percent complex inorganic material (largely silicon) and 4 percent organic material and water.

Silicon in the diet is part of dental health. Porcelain has long been recognized as having a chemical and physical similarity to tooth enamel, both are based on a silicon chemistry. Modern dentists use porcelain in teeth restoration and cosmetic dentistry. 

The Cosmetic Dentist

The cosmetic dentist is as much an artist as a technician, paying attention to every fine detail. The Charlotte cosmetic dentist uses techniques like:

  • Teeth whitening is the removal of stains caused by tartar, small cracks in the surface, or certain antibiotic treatments. Getting rid of discoloration makes teeth whiter and more attractive. 
  • Porcelain veneers are porcelain shells or surfaces bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth. They can be used to reshape the teeth or cover chips or cracks. Under topical anesthetic, The dentist removes a thin layer of enamel from your teeth, then makes a mold of your teeth. The mold is used to make porcelain veneers that will be bonded to your teeth using a composite resin cement.
  • Composite bonding or bonded restoration can make minor repairs to teeth, using tooth-colored material called "composite resin" which is applied to a tooth then shaped and hardened with light to cover unevenness or chips. 
  • Porcelain crowns are caps made of porcelain that are cemented on to existing teeth to cover a damaged tooth.
  • Porcelain bridgework is a system of strengthening the dental structure by joining one or more artificial teeth to adjacent strong teeth. The bridge will span the area of the mouth where teeth would otherwise be missing.
  • Dental implants are artificial teeth fixed into healthy bone in the mouth using specially designed screws made of titanium. The implants are shaped and colored to match natural teeth.
  • Teeth straightening refers to adjusting the shape of the jaw in the mouth to compensate for overcrowded teeth, crooked teeth, bite which is out of alignment, narrow jaw, or undeveloped palate. These treatments may employ retainers attached to the back of the teeth to prevent them from shifting, and braces or other appliances.
  • Aligners are clear plastic trays you wear on your teeth. The aligners are graduated and you wear aligners in a series to gradually force your teeth into better alignment.

Dr. William Linger is a Fellow of the International Congress for Oral Implantology and a Master of the Academy of General Dentistry and 21 years of experience. As a cosmetic dentist in Charlotte Dr. Linger offers free consultations to new patients and existing that are considering any cosmetic procedure. Please contact us to find out more.

Also please get your free copy of Cosmetic Dentistry: The Complete Guide to Everything You Need to Know by clicking on the banner below. It will help you learn about your Charlotte Cosmetic Dental options.