Dental Blog

Which Level of Sedation Dentistry is the Right Choice for You?

Written by Dr. William Linger, DDS, MAGD | 1/30/18 5:28 PM

Fear of the dentist is something that is so common that it has crept into our media, culture, and idea of dentist stereotypes. Killer dentists haunt our horror movies, images of dentist chairs feature in Halloween decor, and the fear of the dentist is absolutely present in television. 

While the vast majority of real-life dentists are perfectly pleasant laidback people who are in no way "out to get" their patients or ever fire up the root-canal drill without cause, the fear of the dentist remains.

It starts in most people as children and grows irrationally from their as the fear is not assuaged by childhood visits. If you're a fully grown adult and the thought of visiting the dentist, even for really necessary procedures, still has you shaking in your socks, then there is a solution.

Sedation dentistry is a service that was developed not because the dentists need you to be drowsy for the procedure itself so much as they were tired of getting bitten by irrationally terrified patients. The key is to use just enough sedation to help you relax, let go of your rootless fears, and let the dentist do their work.

To this end, there are three specific levels of sedation for you and your dentist to choose from. The only question is - Which choice is right for you?


No Sedation - Perfectly Normal Dentistry

It's always best to start at the very beginning with no sedation at all. For some, sedation is much scarier than simply putting up with being at the dentist but this is a choice that only you can make.  There are many ways to help make your visit more comfortable, from headphones, TV on the ceiling to watch during your visit or even a dental therapy dog.

If you're not comfortable with sedation or if you're sure you can manage your fear and not bite the dentist, then don't be afraid to take on your dentistry adventures without sedation and therefore potentially able to drive yourself home.

Minimal Sedation - A Relaxed Experience

For patients who tend to get a little squirmy in the dentist chair or are just completely uncomfortable about the whole 'stuff in your mouth' situation, it may help to make use of the lightest possible amount of sedation.

For most patients, minimal sedation is just enough to allow you to relax without actually putting you to sleep. This means that you can still respond to the dentist and comply with mouth-and tongue maneuvers.  Nitrous Oxide can provide this minimal sedation and still allow you to drive home.  A Sedative pill can also be used. 

Moderate Sedation - Dental Doze

Starting in March 2018, only North Carolina Dentists with training in I.V. Sedation can provide moderate sedation.  Doctors will no longer be allowed to give patients multiple doses of oral medications without proper I.V. training.  

I.V. Sedation is the safest and most effective method of providing this level of sedation so that you will not know, care or remember your dental visit. You will need someone to drive you home after your visit.

Many people are more than just a little scared of the dentist and the moment that little mirror stick gets close to your face, you start to panic. If you have had panic attacks in the dentist's chair before or even thinking about a dentist visit, then you should definitely consider this type of sedation. 

Moderate Sedation is also used for patients who are having extensive surgery like wisdom teeth, extractions or dental implants.