Dental Blog

Dental Bonding Can Help You Repair Teeth

Written by Dr. William Linger, DDS, MAGD | 7/8/18 10:20 PM

Everyone's teeth are unique. Some people have beautiful, indestructible teeth that ironically grow in crooked. For them, braces or aligners are the answer to a perfect smile. Others have perfectly straight teeth that tend to yellow or have natively thin enamel. 

For them, regular trips to the dentist are required for whitening and artificial strengthening. Others have perfectly serviceable teeth with one or two minor flaws that will need to be repaired. However, by far the most common need for cosmetic and supplemental dentistry happens when your teeth take damage.

Teeth Are Damaged All the Time

Life can be hard on your teeth. Many of us experience our first taste of tooth-peril as children when misadventure knocks out a loose tooth but the risks don't stop after all your adult teeth have grown in.

Just a morning cup of joe for a few years can wreak havoc on your tooth color and some people suffer the pain and inconvenience of a chipped tooth simply from eating hard foods like nuts or crunchy bread.

Living with a chip in your tooth can be painful, unsightly, and make you self-conscious about your smile. Unfortunately, many people go for years without repairing a chipped tooth because they falsely believe either that there is no solution or that the solutions available are not right for them.

When Crowns and Veneers Aren't Right for You

The most popular solutions to a chipped tooth, especially for a large chip, are dental crowns or veneers. These must be custom-made to your teeth and take time to prepare. Many people feel that these complete tooth repair options that are appropriate for major damage are not appropriate for a tiny chip in their tooth.


Others need a tooth repair option that can be done quickly in time for a special event that they feel requires a perfect smile. If you have a chipped or otherwise damaged tooth but don't want to commit to a dental crown or the challenges associated with veneers, the good news is that there is another option.

One that is quick to apply and can provide both the appearance improvements and dental protection you need.

Dental Bonding to Repair Damaged Teeth

Dental bonding is a special cosmetic dentistry technique that can be done one tooth at a time or to  every  tooth in your mouth, depending on your needs and preferences.

The practice of dental bonding involves the application of a tooth-colored resin to the surface of your teeth that will provide strength, protection, and the ability to reshape the exterior of your tooth. Bonding is like the dental equivalent of how epoxy or putty is used in carpentry.

The resin can be used not only to fill in the tiny area of a chipped or damaged tooth, but also to create an entirely new surface of your teeth without the use of veneers.

What Dental Bonding Can Do

Dental bonding is actually used for all sorts of minor dental repairs. The first and most common application is to fill in chips in a tooth, but that's not all it can do.

For patients who are suffering from sensitivity and discoloration due to thinning or genetically weak enamel, the dental bonding resin can be used to coat your teeth, providing a layer of artificial enamel in a color you can be proud of.

Dental bonding can also be used to reshape the appearance of your teeth, making them seem longer, straighter, and cover any malformation of the tooth itself because the resin can be shaped in a way that teeth cannot be.

In and Out of the Dentist Chair

Besides its many great applications, one of the best things about dental bonding is that it takes practically no time at all considering what it can be repaired.

You can complete bonding for one or more teeth in the span of a single visit to the dentist, perfecting your smile in time for special events like family holidays, a job interview, or even a romantic date.

For more information about how dental bonding could improve your smile, contact us today!