Dental Blog

5 Pains That May Indicate You Need A Root Canal

Written by Dr. William Linger, DDS, MAGD | 9/18/18 3:19 PM

A root canal is a fairly common procedure, in fact, it is performed over 15 million times each year. It is often performed when the roots of a tooth become inflamed or otherwise infected. A dentist fixes your tooth by first removing the pulp out of it, cleaning and disinfecting it, and then sealing it off so that infection can't get inside it again. 

One issue that people have is knowing whether or not the pain that they are experiencing is indicative of the need for a root canal. Thankfully, there are certain things that you may feel or experience in terms of pain when you need a root canal, and 5 of these pains will be discussed here. 

Pain When You Chew 

If you feel a great deal of pain when you chew, or otherwise apply any amount of pressure to your tooth, this may indicate that there is an infection in your tooth.

It could also be indicative of an abscess, both of which may require a root canal. In this situation, it is in your best interest to get into your dentist as soon as possible because the pain will likely worsen if left untreated. 

Sensitivity To Hot Or Cold 

Another type of pain that may indicate the need for a root canal is an extreme sensitivity to either hot or cold.

When you eat or drink something cold, such as ice, ice cream, cold fruit, etc., or hot, such as coffee or hot soup, you will feel a pain in your tooth that is directly related to the temperature of the food or drinking that is touching your tooth. This may be happening because your tooth is decaying and needs to be treated. 

Tooth Is Dark Or Discolored 

If a tooth is dark or discolored in anyway, this could mean that there is some kind of disease that is affecting the makeup of your tooth. The tooth itself could also be dying, due to an infection.

However, because tooth discoloration can happen for a variety of reasons, pain in addition with the discoloration, may be more indicative of a tooth that needs a root canal. In any case, your dentist will be able to let you know what is wrong with your tooth and the best course of action. 

Gums Are Tender And Swollen Around Painful Tooth 

If you notice that your gums feel tender and look to be swollen around the particular tooth that is causing you pain, this can most definitely be indicative that you need a root canal.

The infection in your tooth may be spreading into your gums and causing them to become tender, swollen, and otherwise painful. Since infections in the mouth can prove to be very dangerous when they begin to spread, it is so important that you visit your dentist.

A Bump On The Gums Near The Tooth That Is In Pain

If you notice that you have a small bump on your gums, that is located in close proximity to the tooth that is causing you pain, this should also be examined by your dentist. This bump may resemble a small pimple and is indicative of a bacterial infection in the tooth near it or an abscess. 

If you are experiencing pain when you chew, tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods or drinks, your tooth is dark or discolored, your gums are swollen or tender around a painful tooth, or you have a bump on your gums near the tooth that is in pain, then you should definitely visit your dentist to see if you need a root canal.

If you are looking for a great dentist to visit, you should definitely check out Dr. Linger. To learn more, or to make an appointment, visit us here