Dental Blog

5 Advantages of Custom Porcelain Veneers

Written by Dr. William Linger, DDS, MAGD | 1/11/18 12:35 AM

For decades, cosmetic dentistry has been something of a debate between people who prefer the natural approach and those who need to look perfect in photographs and in business on a regular basis. 

There are many reasons why you might want to whiten and straighten your smile and often veneers are the best option for teeth that are straight but may be independently damaged or oddly shaped. Some people get veneers on only one or two teeth while others get a full matching set.

If you've been considering porcelain dental veneers this year but aren't sure yet, we encourage you to consider the following five advantages of using porcelain veneers to whiten and straighten your smile.

1) Turning Back Time

As we age, our teeth age with us. They go through every crazy situation, every fall, every bite into something surprisingly hard. Not only do your teeth yellow over age with exposure to time, air, and cups of coffee, they can also get chipped and scratched.

If your teeth have started to show signs of your years of adventures, this is simultaneously something to be proud of for having lived a full and dentally interesting life and something you don't have to let bring down your appearance.

With veneers. you can make yourself look younger and healthier simply by whitening and smoothing out your smile and turning back the clock visually every time you show your porcelain pearly whites.

2) Overcoming Genetic Yellowing

Some people could spend their entire lives eating nothing but tooth-scrubbing vegetables and swishing mouthwash and their teeth would still yellow. This is because yellowing teeth runs in families and it's possible that that's just the color your enamel thinks it should be.

Unfortunately, if you need to get your picture taken or do any important socializing, you will want as close to perfectly white and straight teeth as possible. With veneers, you can do everything normally while overcoming your dental tendency toward yellow teeth with a gleaming porcelain-enhanced smile.

3) Blending with Bridges

Veneers are often a great idea for people who already have some replacement dental work done like bridges which hold tooth caps or even fake teeth in place.

Veneers will blend with these artificial teeth much more smoothly than your natural teeth even if they were made to look right because neither the bridge nor the porcelain veneers will yellow with age.

4) Completely Painless Procedure

One of the great things about veneers in comparison to other dental options is that it's quick and easy to implement. Most veneers go on in two sessions or fewer and with no recovery time afterward.

Once your veneers are applied, you can go right along living your normal life. No sedation, pain medication, or even swelling need to be worried about because veneers are essentially simply sealed to clean teeth and you can go on your way.

5) Stain Resistant

Finally, perhaps the best thing about veneers is that they are more stain resistant than normal teeth. While this doesn't mean that you should rinse your mouth with coffee in the morning, it does mean that you can be a little less self-conscious about staining foods and drinks because they are much less likely to leave a stain on porcelain veneers, giving you an odd sort of dental freedom.

Whether you're a busy professional, get photographed a lot, or simply want to improve your appearance from the smile out, veneers are a great solution for a no-hassle way to brighten and improve your smile, especially if your teeth were slightly uneven before.

For more information about porcelain veneers or any other cosmetic dentistry practice, contact us today!