Tedi's Happy Smiles.

    The Real Info on Periodontal disease

    Periodontal disease may sound serious and mysterious. It certainly can be serious, but the facts aren't that complicated. Here's the real info on periodontal disease and what you can do to keep your mouth healthy. What is periodontal disease? You ...

    What You Need to Know About Broken Cavity Fillings

    While eating, have you ever felt a foreign substance in your mouth that was not part of your food? It may have been a cavity filling that has fractured and fallen off. When this occurs, don't panic. Instead, promptly contact your dentist who will ...

    What is Sleep Dentistry?

    Sleep dentistry or Sedation dentistry is an important aspect of dental care that involves the use of sedation in treating patients for a variety of dental issues. These sedatives are generally used to help the patient to relax during the dental ...

    Tips For Finding A Great Dentist Near You

    When it comes to choosing a dentist near you, you want to make sure that you make the right choice. This dentist will likely be your dentist for the next several years and you want to feel comfortable each time you go into their office and confident ...

    What is Gingivitis? Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    You take your oral health seriously, which is why you'd be concerned if you suddenly noticed increased bleeding from your gums whenever you brush your teeth, swollen gums of frequent bad breath. You'd probably wonder what the problem was. There ...

    Receding Gum-Line: Learn About the Pinhole Surgical Technique

    Have you ever gazed into a mirror to discover you had some teeth that appeared to be longer than others? If so, most likely you have receding gums. This is a condition in which gum tissue has been pulled away from a person's teeth. As a result, ...

    Tooth Pain - How Do You Get a Toothache? What is a Toothache?

    A toothache means that the nerves that run through and under your teeth have been painfully stimulated. A toothache or tooth pain is most often caused when the nerve to a tooth is irritated, but there are numerous other reasons for a person to ...

    Dr. William Linger, DDS, MAGD: Find a Dentist in Charlotte NC

    When we need a dentist in Charlotte NC, there are several things we need to consider when searching for a provider. A reputation for high-quality care is, of course, the primary requirement, but often we also need to make sure a dentist offers the ...

    4 Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Invisalign Aligners

    Invisalign aligners are clear plastic trays that you wear on your teeth to fix issues like crowded teeth, overbite, underbite, cross-bite, an open bite, gaps in your teeth, or teeth that are simply crooked. Because they can fix so many different ...

    Should You Consider Dental Implants?

    Millions of Americans lose one or more teeth for many reasons. The most common of these reasons are due to accidents, tooth decay, or periodontal disease. Whether you are playing sports or you stumble and fall, accidents are a part of life. Yet, ...