Tedi's Happy Smiles.

    Do I Really Need a Crown? How to Avoid Crowns

    Some of us have heard that dreaded phrase at a dentist's office: "You need a crown." An effective solution for restoring a tooth when a filling isn't enough, crowns are also invasive and expensive. However, with new techniques and technologies ...

    Do you have to have your teeth ground down for a crown?

    Before a crown is placed, the remaining tooth must be ground down to accommodate it. Usually this means grinding it down (after your dentist has taken an impression if necessary). Some of the healthy tooth will probably be ground away to allow the ...

    What's the Truth About Sparkling Water and Your Tooth Enamel?

    You may have heard that sparkling water—also known as seltzer or carbonated water—is better for your teeth than soda. While it's undeniable that sugar-free carbonated beverages are less damaging than soda, there still might be some dental issues to ...

    How to Take Proper Care of Dental Implants

    Dental implants are a great way to get your dream smile, especially if you want to replace all of your teeth. If you just received dental implants and have some questions about how to take care of them, you're not alone. Here is more information ...

    Orthodontics Reinvented with MTM Clear Aligners

    Do you ever find yourself wishing from straighter teeth? Do you have bite and jaw issues from misalignment? If so, you're not alone! Adult braces are fairly common today, helping oral health and cosmetic appearance for hundreds of thousands of ...

    What is a Six Month Smile?

    Adults today face a lot of pressure to look perfect. Appearance is scrutinized at work, in event photos, and anything you post on social media. For adults struggling with crooked teeth, this can be agonizing. If you didn't get the orthodonture you ...

    4 Effective Methods For Fixing A Chipped Tooth

    Our teeth are protected by enamel and this enamel generally does an excellent job of providing the protection our teeth need to chew several different kinds of foods without becoming damaged. However, sometimes accidents happen where we fall and ...

    What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

    Cosmetic dentistry is a complex dental science that includes dental implants but is not limited to that radical procedure. Cosmetic dentistry can improve your appearance and the health of your mouth. It could be a good investment. Dentists who ...

    Dental Bonding Can Help You Repair Teeth

    Everyone's teeth are unique. Some people have beautiful, indestructible teeth that ironically grow in crooked. For them, braces or aligners are the answer to a perfect smile. Others have perfectly straight teeth that tend to yellow or have natively ...

    What Can Be Done To Fix a Chipped Tooth: What Is Right For Me?

    A chipped tooth can happen to anyone due to things such as using your teeth improperly (i.e. opening packaging and biting your nails), eating hard foods, or getting hit in the face or mouth. Chipped teeth can be unsightly but rarely cause health ...