Tedi's Happy Smiles.

    Do I Really Need a Crown? How to Avoid Crowns

    Some of us have heard that dreaded phrase at a dentist's office: "You need a crown." An effective solution for restoring a tooth when a filling isn't enough, crowns are also invasive and expensive. However, with new techniques and technologies ...

    Do you have to have your teeth ground down for a crown?

    Before a crown is placed, the remaining tooth must be ground down to accommodate it. Usually this means grinding it down (after your dentist has taken an impression if necessary). Some of the healthy tooth will probably be ground away to allow the ...

    What You Should Ask Your Dentist Before Getting Dental Implants

    Are you thinking about getting dental implants? If so, you're not alone. Many people prefer the restorative dental procedure because dental implants look and feel natural and do not slip or move around in your mouth. Dental implants can also help ...

    How to Deal with Sore Gums and Cheeks When Growing New Teeth

    Teeth are one of the true marvels of human life. We are constantly growing new teeth and each time, the experience is immensely distracting. Gums get sore, cheeks get bitten, and everyone has to get used to their new teeth no matter what age they ...

    Why You Deserve Concierge Dentistry

    Have you ever gone to a dentist office and had your appointment cut short because your dentist had to squeeze in more patients? Or perhaps you've noticed the receptionist hasn't made an effort to learn your name or recognize your face you even ...

    What's the Truth About Sparkling Water and Your Tooth Enamel?

    You may have heard that sparkling water—also known as seltzer or carbonated water—is better for your teeth than soda. While it's undeniable that sugar-free carbonated beverages are less damaging than soda, there still might be some dental issues to ...

    Choosing all on Four Implants For Your Teeth Replacement

    Many people that are looking for a good tooth replacement option consider implants. Dental implants can help to ensure that your missing tooth doesn't eventually cause you any bone loss. One type of dental implant that has become increasingly ...

    How to Overcome Anxiety about Dental Implants When You Need Them

    Some people are afraid to go to the dentist, especially if they have missing or cracked teeth and need a dental implant. People with severe dental phobia may avoid going to the dentist altogether, which means they have a higher chance of developing ...

    How to Take Proper Care of Dental Implants

    Dental implants are a great way to get your dream smile, especially if you want to replace all of your teeth. If you just received dental implants and have some questions about how to take care of them, you're not alone. Here is more information ...

    Orthodontics Reinvented with MTM Clear Aligners

    Do you ever find yourself wishing from straighter teeth? Do you have bite and jaw issues from misalignment? If so, you're not alone! Adult braces are fairly common today, helping oral health and cosmetic appearance for hundreds of thousands of ...